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《回憶工業》 為企業或團體度身訂造不同主題的工作坊,因應客戶的需要,提供如創意、傳統工藝、舊物增值再造等工作坊。參加的企業除了可借此為企業減廢及舊物增值外,更同時增加員工的環保觸角及對企業的歸屬感。
Memories Factory conducts workshops with various themes that are tailor-made for enterprises and organizations. These themes include creativity, handicrafts, and upcycling.
On one hand, participating enterprises have the opportunity to reduce waste and upcycle their used materials. On the other hand, the workshops also enhance staff awareness of environmental preservation and strengthen their sense of belonging to the organization.
online workshop
upcycle installation
design for green
reduce your own waste
experience upcycling
Memories Factory debut exhibition
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